VISA Lodgement

About Visa-launch Process

Visa Lodgement is complex and at times confusing and constantly changing, that may result to the inaccuracies. Incomplete or wrong visa applications and mistakes may lead to delays or unsuccessful results. So, these mistakes are painful and expensive since visa application fee are non-refundable and the Department of Immigration does not take responsibility for the applications that you make. Thus, The Next is very serious about application and ensures a perfect and error free visa lodgement.

You can request for a student visa once you have your selected university’s admission letter in hand and have made arrangements for your financial support while studying abroad. Obtaining a student visa can be difficult because it involves a lot of paperwork. Additionally, each nation has a unique set of criteria, so it’s important to be familiar with the immigration rules of the nation you chose to study in.

You may prepare ahead of time and feel confident that the process will be successfully completed if you have a thorough understanding of the study visa application procedure. From completing the visa application forms to getting the paperwork ready and submitting them on time, our experts of Location Based Counselors will advise you at every step of visa lodgement.


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